December 2024
Team Roping Practice
Texas Beef Initiative Team Roping Weekly Team Roping Practice When: Thursday nights, 7:00-9:00pm Where: DSRP Outdoor Arena This Event is Open to the Public In bad weather, the event will move to the Main Indoor Arena. Learn more about the Texas Beef Initiative
Team Roping Practice
Every Thursday
Barrel and Pole Racing Practice
6:00pm-9:00pm Friday Night, Open Indoor Arena, $10/per horse. Arena is open to all riders…Come One, Come All, Everyone is welcome to ride. More Info, please contact: Tinker Files 469-358-2424
Calf Roping Practice
Calf Roping Practice Every Monday at 7:30pm to 9:30pm – Covered Arena $20.00/Per Rider plus $10 per each additional horse Calf Roping Ground Lessons Basic Roping Lessons 7:30pm-9:30pm Monday Night Ground Lesson is $10/per person. Beginning roping lessons start on the ground to learn proper swing and delivery of the rope to catch consistently. Roping andContinue reading "JCJSP Roping Practice"
Open Ride
Open Arena
M7 Arena Breakaway Practice Tues
Starting Back up next Tuesday 6-8pm, 1-17-23. Breakaway Practice Hopefully every Tuesday (weather permitting) nights. $40 a horse. John Douch will be bringing the Calves. 6-8. Open Arena everyday. $10 horse. This Fri sat and Sunday (1-13 – 1-15) we will be closed. Yes, Barrel racing is coming back. We are working on getting aContinue reading "JCJSP Roping Practice"
January 2025
Team Roping Practice
Every Thursday
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