Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 21 2023
- Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Moto Xtreme Circus
Ticket Information
Pre-Sale Special Tickets are limited to the first 100 General Admission Sales. These may be used in combination with coupon offers such as Free Children’s tickets.
Free Children’s Tickets have been distributed throughout your area in Fast Food Restaurants, Convenience Stores, Businesses, Schools and Retail stores. These may be used to admit ONE child for EACH paid adult. Free Children’s Tickets are valid for General Admission seating only.
Children 2 and under are free and do not need a ticket. Age 3 to 12 must have a Child’s ticket (Free or Paid). Ages 13 and up must have an Adult ticket to enter the Show All Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children may not be left unattended at the Monster Crush Mania Show.
After your purchase is complete, you will be sent an email with a summary of your purchase and a barcode to be scanned at the entrance. This is ONE barcode for your entire purchase. You do NOT have to print this email, we prefer you to display it on your mobile device at the entrance to the Show.
If you have difficulty purchasing tickets online or if you would prefer not to buy online, you may purchase tickets at the show’s on-site box office two the hour before each performance. See FAQ page for Box Office prices.
Tickets are not refundable. If you have purchased tickets and can not attend, you may transfer your tickets to another party.
NOTICE: Program, Performers and Acts are subject to change without notice.