Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 20 2022
- Time: All Day
Autumn Classic Charity Horse Show
Thursday (November 17th): Move-in Begins- 8:00 AM
Hosted by Dougherty County Saddle Club
For a full schedule and more information visit http://www.theautumnclassic.com/
The hosts the 32nd Annual Autumn Charity Horse Show at the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter, proceeds to benefit the Albany Humane Society. This show has something for everyone including breed classes for Paso, Walking Horse, Quarter Horse, and Arabians. Horses will be shown in halter classes, hunt seat classes, jumping classes and many more. For more information call Norma Karst at (229) 809-0025 or visit their website, www.theautumnclassic.com
Estimated Attendance: 550